Various Music Tracks by Richard Wakefield

During the pandemic’s lockdown, I decided to learn ‘Ableton Live’, a piece of software dedicated to music production and live performance.

I put in countless hours of research and experimenting, all with the aim of making just one solid music track. In reality though, I became addicted to jotting down new music ideas, and just constantly tinkering and jamming.

Fast forward a few years and I’ve not only produced many music tracks from scratch, but also created accompanying music videos, which have seemingly been well received by friends, family and strangers! One of my tracks, ‘Airborne’, was highlighted on BBC South Today!

My absolute highlight of 2023 was performing a small selection of the tracks live, to an audience of EDM-fans, in Oxford’s Jericho Tavern, the same venue Radiohead recorded their music video for Creep!

Below are just some of my music videos, spanning a couple of genres, and to end on, my live performance. If you’d like to be on top of when I upload new music tracks, feel free to check out my Youtube channel.


The Quad, Oxford


CIPR, PRide 2023 Awards Evening